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Meoto Iwa (Futami Okitama Jinja)

Meoto Iwa (Futami Okitama Jinja)

Meoto Iwa is located in the precincts of Futami Okitama Jinja in Ise, Mie. In various parts of Japan, you will see rare and unique shaped rock, Meoto Iwa is one of them. They are called Meotoiwa (husband and wife rocks or wedded rocks) because those two large rocks called o-iwa (male rock) and me-iwa (female rock) standing next to each other in the sea look like they are husband and wife. Praying here is said to fulfill wishes in matchmaking and result in a harmonious marriage. Although there are several other rocks called Meoto Iwa in Japan, the Meoto Iwa in Futami Okitama Jinja is one that has a long history and have even found expression in Ukiyoe in the Edo era.

(Source: norinori303 / PIXTA(ピクスタ) )

Sunrise, Sunset, Light Up

Meoto Iwa is known as a great spot to see the sunrise. The sun rises between the two rocks from May to July, whereas the moon rises between them creating a magical scene especially during the full moon nights during autumn and winter. Meoto Iwa is lit up at night and visitors can enjoy another version of this fantastic scenery.

(Source: 途中下車)

Futami Okitama Jinja

Futami Okitama Jinja is a shrine located near Meoto Iwa. It enshrines the God worshiped as one that "leads to the right path." There are a lot of frog figurines in the precinct for the frogs are believed to be messengers of this God. What is more, the special frog figurine called Mangan-Kaeru is said to fulfill your prayers if you splash it with some water.

(Source: Journey To The End)

Ise Jingu

Ise Jingu is a shrine said to be the most powerful spiritual spot in Japan and is famous worldwide. Traditionally, people visit Futami Okitama Jinja and Meoto Iwa to purify their body before visiting Ise Jingu. This is considered to be the right way of visiting there.

(Source: けんさん / PIXTA(ピクスタ) )

575 Futamichoe, Ise-shi, Mie
Contact No.
15-min walk from JR Futaminoura Station.
Opening Hours / Holidays
Time Required
Admission fee

(Source: norinori303 / PIXTA(ピクスタ) )

Sunrise, Sunset, Light Up

Meoto Iwa is known as a great spot to see the sunrise. The sun rises between the two rocks from May to July, whereas the moon rises between them creating a magical scene especially during the full moon nights during autumn and winter. Meoto Iwa is lit up at night and visitors can enjoy another version of this fantastic scenery.

(Source: 途中下車)

Futami Okitama Jinja

Futami Okitama Jinja is a shrine located near Meoto Iwa. It enshrines the God worshiped as one that "leads to the right path." There are a lot of frog figurines in the precinct for the frogs are believed to be messengers of this God. What is more, the special frog figurine called Mangan-Kaeru is said to fulfill your prayers if you splash it with some water.

(Source: Journey To The End)

Ise Jingu

Ise Jingu is a shrine said to be the most powerful spiritual spot in Japan and is famous worldwide. Traditionally, people visit Futami Okitama Jinja and Meoto Iwa to purify their body before visiting Ise Jingu. This is considered to be the right way of visiting there.

(Source: けんさん / PIXTA(ピクスタ) )