Prepare yourself before summer starts! Must-buy items to repel mosquitoes when visiting Japan.

Prepare yourself before summer starts! Must-buy items to repel mosquitoes when visiting Japan.

Mosquito bites will not only cause your skin to itch but might also spread diseases!

Recently, mosquito-borne diseases, such as Dengue fever and Zika fever, spread all over the world. Mosquito bites cause other symptoms than itchiness. Although the best is to repel mosquitoes, what we can do to avoid mosquitoes is unfortunately limited in the present world where people frequently move around and global warming is progressing.

KINCHO has been protecting Japanese people from insects for more than a century.

KINCHO has been protecting Japanese people from insects for more than a century. KINCHO is the world’s first company to produce mosquito repellent coils. The company produces top-class insecticides in Japan. KINCHO is a long-established maker that has been protecting Japanese people from insects for more than a century by producing a variety of high -safety and -performance insecticides. KINCHO Uzumaki, mosquito repellent coils, are KINCHO's most popular product to repel mosquitos. These coils also have been loved by people of all ages in Japan as a summer fragrance.
KINCHO Uzumaki are made from selected ingredients such as natural insect repellent flowers and are produced under the factory’s complete supervision in Japan. KINCHO Uzumaki smell much better than other similar products. Around the time when people were forced to save power in the summer of 2011 after the Great East Japan Earthquake, KINCHO Uzumaki worked perfectly. There is still a high demand for these coils. KINCHO Uzumaki is one of the best, made-in-Japan branded product to repel mosquitoes and have been loved by people of all ages and over time.

Why was KINCHO Uzumaki made in this shape? Secrets behind the coil shape

Mr. Eiichiro Ueyama, the founder of KINCHO, invented the world’s first mosquito repellent incense in 1890. He first made it in the shape of a stick but it lasted for less than 40 minutes. His wife, Yuki, came up with an idea and suggested that he change the shape to a coil, and it was remodeled to its present standard shape.

Just one push of a mosquito repellent called ‘Ka Ga Inakunaru Spray (spray to repel mosquitoes)’, produced by a mosquito repelling expert KINCHO! No mosquitoes in your room!

KINCHO, an expert and well-known manufacturer producing mosquito repellents, released ‘Ka Ga Inakunaru Spray’ at the best time just before the summer of 2010. Its repellent properties will spread through your room just with one push of the bottle and the effect will last for about 12 hours. Mosquitoes usually rest on the wall or the ceiling. As this spray firmly stick to walls and ceilings, mosquitoes will come in contact with the repellent and will easily be defeated by it. The particles of the spray don’t float in the air because of their large size. Therefore, the effect will never fade even after opening the windows.
‘Ka Ga Inakunaru Spray’ is not harmful to humans or mammals and doesn’t require any electricity or fire when using it. Therefore, families with pets or children can use it without any fuss. As each spray bottle will last about 200 days, it can repel mosquitos at your home over a whole summer. You can save money too! This has been the best-selling product among mosquito repellent sprays in Japan since its release! Unfortunately, KINCHO Uzumaki and Ka Ga Inakunaru Spray is available for purchase only in Japan as of now. Therefore, why don’t you buy these reliable products that are appreciated by people all over the world and have stood the test of time as a practical gift for your loved ones?
The atmosphere in the store. The best-selling product of all times in Japan. *For those who plan to travel by air: Please note since you cannot carry a pesticide-type spray (Ka ga inakunaru spray) on a flight, we recommend that you buy the mosquito coil. DATA ◆KINCHO Uzumaki, Mosquito repellent coils
Effect: Repelling mosquitos Active ingredients: pyrethroid (dl,d-T80-allethrin) Duration: about 7 hours Product website: http://www.kincho.co.jp/seihin/insecticide/kincho_uzumaki/ ◆Ka Ga Inakunaru Spray
Effect: Repelling mosquitos and flies Active ingredients: pyrethroid Product website: http://www.kincho.co.jp/seihin/insecticide/ka_n_spray/ Official website: http://www.kincho.co.jp/ *This product contains pyrethroid that is not harmful to humans. (Press one push of the spray at an area of about 7-13 ㎡. It will spread through the entire room and the effect will last for about 12 hours.)