Ever wondered why sumo wrestlers in Japan always compete in a mawashi, a belt like a loincloth?
As you may be aware, sumo wrestlers in Japan can compete in a match only in a Mawashi (まわし), which looks like a black thick underwear.
Let's find out the reason for this!
What is a Mawashi?
Mawashi is a cloth belt wrapped around the body of a sumo wrestler that also functions as shorts.
These days, Mawashi is made of a silk only during bouts whereas while training sessions, cotton ones are used. During bouts, matching stiff fronds are hung from the front. These are called sagari. It is the choice of the rikishi (wrestler) to tie his mawashi tightly or loosely depending on what kind of advantage he would have over his opponent.
In the Edo period, sumo wrestlers competed wearing Kesho Mawashi (化粧まわし). The Kesho Mawashi looks like an overly decorated apron, is usually made of silk and today is only worn by the top sumo wrestlers when they are introduced at the beginning of a tournament opening. The designs of Kesho Mawashi can be colorful, even eclectic, and will usually have symbols or designs associated with their country of origin.
Why do sumo wrestlers only wear a mawashi and nothing else?
You must be wondering why sumo wrestlers compete without clothes; there are actually several reasons for this tradition.
Sumo is often associated with rituals in Shintoism, and sumo matches are actually performed to show gratitude to the Gods and Goddesses of Shinto. By wearing nothing but a mawashi, there are fewer chances for wrestlers to cheat (apparently).
Competing without wearing clothes is considered a way for wrestlers to show Gods and Goddess Shinto that they are not cheating.
In the ancient Olympics, wrestlers similarly competed in just a basic loincloth. Even today, Turkish oil wrestling and Mongolian wrestling matches are conducted in a similar fashion with the aim of proving that no weapons were hidden and no fraud was committed.
After reading this article, you finally know why sumo wrestlers compete without wearing clothes, but did you know that salt is also used in sumo matches?
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