Ideal souvenir for stationery addicts: Bande Masking Tape

Ideal souvenir for stationery addicts: Bande Masking Tape

Japan is known as a paradise for stationery addicts and why wouldn't it be? Step into any stationery and be boggled by the variety of pens, pencils, erasers, post-its. Japan's masking tapes have caught the world by storm and Bande has come up with these amazing tapes where can peel off differnet shapes to create your own artwork!
bande masking tape
On reading about these, we had to buy them and channel our creative energies!
We chose the one with flower, check out the video to see how awesome these are!

Other masking tapes

Depending on the season, Bande comes up with new tapes. Autumn foliage
Cosmos for autumn
Precious gem series
Space-themed masking tape
Animals in adorable poses
Cherry blossoms, the pride of Japan
These also make for excellent souvenirs and for someone who loves stationery, you can buy these with traditional Japanese motifs.
So will be looking out for these? Available at most lifestyle stores like LOFT, Tokyu Hands as well as stationery stores like Itoya, Sekaido. Usually the cost of these ranges from 300-900 yen!
Source: PR TIMES
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