The easiest way to get to the Hongo Campus is from Todaimae station. Head to the "Seimon" or the main gate. Many people mistake the main gate to be the "Aka-mon" (red gate). The main gate is just a few steps away from the red, traditional gate.

You walk under a canopy of gold...

...and over a carpet of soft, rustling yellow.

On either side of the Gingko Avenue are the faculty buildings for the Humanities Department. Many of the buildings are national treasures as these were not destroyed by the 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake or during the bombings of World War II. Some of the buildings reflect an art decor and Gothic architectural style. The beautiful arches make for a wonderful background.

Based on previous observations, the best time to visit is early December. Unlike maple leaves, the viewing period of Gingko is very short and if there is rain or a strong wind, the leaves wither even faster.
If you think visiting here only for the Gingko is a waste of your time, then how about checking out this huge underground dining hall that has one of te yummiest ramen.

At the end of the Gingko Avenue, you will see this sign.

The best thing to try at this Dining Hall is the "Akamon Ramen"!

This ramen has very little soup and the noodles are topped with a sticky red sauce. You can add chili powder to suit your preferences.
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