Look for adorable Jizo statues: Discover Kamakura (3)

Look for adorable Jizo statues: Discover Kamakura (3)

Speaking of Kamakura'sHasedera, the first thing that comes to mind for many is hydrangea. The hydrangea of Hasedera (temple) are very famous, so it is also known as "Hydrangea Temple." In the flowering months from January to June every year, the temple as well as its surroundings are full of flowers.
However, Hasedera is not only known for its hydrangea. This temple facing the sea has its own unique charm. No matter which season you go to this place, you will find peace and joy in the calming temple precincts. But what you will find most enchanting are the hundreds of jizo statues. Jizo are considered to be guardians of children. First spot: Maple Forest Located on the side of the road above the steps and facing the main entrance of the monastery is a gorgeous maple forest. Here, you will see the three most famous jizo.
Look at their calming facing and let your eyes feast on the lush verdure!
Now think of autumn and imagine these three statues with a backdrop of blazing red and orange foliage. Second spot: Bamboo forest
If you find these three little jizo hidden in the bamboo forest, it means you are close to the main prayer hall that enshrines Kannon (goddess).
There are 18 prayer wheels, similar to those found in monasteries, with scriptures written in Sanskrit or Bonji. Anyone familiar with Buddhism will know that turning these wheels is equivalent to orally reciting the prayers.
Third spot: Hydrangea Path
You will also find jizo hidden among the gorgeous blue and purple hydrangea that bloom on both sides of the slope. Coming here for hydrangea in late June and early July is one of the highlights of visiting Kamakura.
After going down the flower path, you will pass the observatory, make sure to spend some time here and enjoy the view of the Shonan sea.
Even the ema (votive tablets) here have images of jizo.
Can you believe that there is also Wi-fi in the temple precincts?
Look at the massive golden carps! We haven't retouched this photo...
It can easily take 2-3 hours just to see this temple. Of course, you need not spend that much time in one place. Hope you get the time to explore the beauty of one of Kamakura's most popular temples: Hasedera.

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