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Negiyaki Yamamoto Est Umeda

Negiyaki Yamamoto Est Umeda

(Source : 食べログ)
Yamamoto used to originally be a small okonomiyaki restaurant. The origin of “Negiyaki” is okonomiyaki cooked with green onion instead of cabbage as a snack for children who helped the restaurant. Okonomiyaki with lots of green onion “Negiyaki” is now a standard menu item of many okonomiyaki restaurants. There is always a line at the originator of “Negiyaki” in which the dough is cooked with overflowing green onion and served with soy-sauce-based-dip instead of the sauce.

(Source: 食べログ)

Originator of “Negiyaki”

Negiyaki is similar to okonomiyaki, but its characteristics are that the ingredient is not cabbage, but green onion, and the condiment is not sauce, but soy-sauce-based-dip. The dip tastes refreshing as it contains lemon juice, and harmonizes with the sweetness of green onion.

(Source: 食べログ)

Impregnable Popular Dish “Suji-Negiyaki”

The absolute popular dish among many others is “Suji-negiyaki” (1,190 yen). It is Negiyaki which contains a lot of salty-sweet stewed cow line meat and konjac. The dough is cooked soft and fluffy with light texture, and smells the flavor of soup stock made from dried bonito. It contains stunningly a lot of green onion.

(Source: 食べログ)

”Butanikutama” Served with the Original Sauce

The restaurant’s recommendation among okonomiyaki menu items is “Butanikutama” (780 yen). It is a basic pork okonomiyaki having the sweetness of well-smothered cabbage and the mild taste of egg. The original sauce is curry-flavored and its spicy smell arouses your appetite.

(Source: 食べログ)

1F East Area, Est E27, 3-25 Kakudacho, Kita-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka
Contact No.
4-5 min walk from Umeda Station on JR, Hankyu Railway, Hanshin Railway, or Subways.
Opening Hours / Holidays
11:30-22:00 (Last order) Closed on the second Wednesday
Time Required
Admission fee

(Source: 食べログ)

Originator of “Negiyaki”

Negiyaki is similar to okonomiyaki, but its characteristics are that the ingredient is not cabbage, but green onion, and the condiment is not sauce, but soy-sauce-based-dip. The dip tastes refreshing as it contains lemon juice, and harmonizes with the sweetness of green onion.

(Source: 食べログ)

Impregnable Popular Dish “Suji-Negiyaki”

The absolute popular dish among many others is “Suji-negiyaki” (1,190 yen). It is Negiyaki which contains a lot of salty-sweet stewed cow line meat and konjac. The dough is cooked soft and fluffy with light texture, and smells the flavor of soup stock made from dried bonito. It contains stunningly a lot of green onion.

(Source: 食べログ)

”Butanikutama” Served with the Original Sauce

The restaurant’s recommendation among okonomiyaki menu items is “Butanikutama” (780 yen). It is a basic pork okonomiyaki having the sweetness of well-smothered cabbage and the mild taste of egg. The original sauce is curry-flavored and its spicy smell arouses your appetite.

(Source: 食べログ)