
Hakone Yuryo

Hakone Yuryo is just three minutes by shuttle bus from Hakoneyumoto Station. The building is a bit like a luxury ryokan (Japanese-style inn) as it is surrounded by a cluster of trees, but Hakone Yuryo is a drop-in onsen facility. There are 19 private rooms with outdoor baths, and Hakone Yuryo prides itself on offering a quality onsen experience to visitors who can gaze out at the beautiful scenery as they enjoy bathing. Visitors can easily spend a day here enjoying the authentic meals served in the dining area, or availing of the Relaxation Salon. A visit to this day-time facility is also a great option for those who would like to stay at a luxury ryokan but cannot because of time or budget restraints.

(Source: 旅は哲学ソクラテス)

Popular Private Rooms with Outdoor Baths

Hakone Yuryo is popular among the numerous drop-in onsen facilities due to its efficient system of private rooms where guests can enjoy an outdoor hot spring bath all to themselves. These private baths are also popular among international guests who are not from a culture that includes communal bathing.

(Source: 箱根湯寮)

Rock Bath, Large Outdoor Bath

The spacious outdoor stone rock bath is filled with alkaline hot spring water. This water leaves skin silky smooth, something that women who can expect improved skin after bathing will surely be pleased with.

(Source: 箱根湯本観光協会)

Hachiri: Dining Area with Irori Hearth

The dining area at Hakone Yuryo serves dishes grilled over a charcoal fire, in what is known as iron hearth cooking. This uniquely Japanese dining experience would be a memorable addition to any trip to Japan.

(Source: 箱根湯寮)

Rest Area that Offers a Sense of Privacy

The rest area is a spacious area that guests can avail of to lie down. There are partitions that allow guests to relax in their own space and even doze off after their bath.

(Source: 気ままな我が家へようこそ~♪)

4 Tonosawa, Hakone-machi, Ashigarashimo-gun, Kanagawa
Contact No.
3 minutes by shuttle bus from Odakyu Line Hakoneyumoto Station
Opening Hours / Holidays
10:00-20:00 Latest Entry (Weekends and public holidays: 10:00-21:00 Latest Entry)
Official Website
Time Required

(Source: 旅は哲学ソクラテス)

Popular Private Rooms with Outdoor Baths

Hakone Yuryo is popular among the numerous drop-in onsen facilities due to its efficient system of private rooms where guests can enjoy an outdoor hot spring bath all to themselves. These private baths are also popular among international guests who are not from a culture that includes communal bathing.

(Source: 箱根湯寮)

Rock Bath, Large Outdoor Bath

The spacious outdoor stone rock bath is filled with alkaline hot spring water. This water leaves skin silky smooth, something that women who can expect improved skin after bathing will surely be pleased with.

(Source: 箱根湯本観光協会)

Hachiri: Dining Area with Irori Hearth

The dining area at Hakone Yuryo serves dishes grilled over a charcoal fire, in what is known as iron hearth cooking. This uniquely Japanese dining experience would be a memorable addition to any trip to Japan.

(Source: 箱根湯寮)

Rest Area that Offers a Sense of Privacy

The rest area is a spacious area that guests can avail of to lie down. There are partitions that allow guests to relax in their own space and even doze off after their bath.

(Source: 気ままな我が家へようこそ~♪)