Chagohan Tokyo is a cooking school located near Kappabashi Street and Tsukuba Express Asakusa Station. They offer many classes where you can learn to cook Japanese cuisine, including ramen, dumplings, sushi, sukiyaki, tempura and okonomiyaki. All the seasonings used in the classes are additive-free. Options for vegans or people with food allergies are also available (required to consult beforehand). The explanation of ingredients and instructions for cooking are provided in English. A great chance to enjoy eating authentic Japanese food that you cook by yourself!
Chagohan Tokyo is a cooking school located near Kappabashi Street and Tsukuba Express Asakusa Station. They offer many classes where you can learn to cook Japanese cuisine, including ramen, dumplings, sushi, sukiyaki, tempura and okonomiyaki. All the seasonings used in the classes are additive-free. Options for vegans or people with food allergies are also available (required to consult beforehand). The explanation of ingredients and instructions for cooking are provided in English. A great chance to enjoy eating authentic Japanese food that you cook by yourself!