Never Do These Five Things When Dating Japanese Women!

Never Do These Five Things When Dating Japanese Women!

For those of you who are planning a date a Japanese woman, read this article so that your date is a success, and know the five things that Japanese women don't like!

Being Late

Never be late for an appointment with a Japanese woman because Japanese women don't like men who aren't on time. Don't expect your dream woman to smile like an anime character when you are late! In Japanese culture, being punctual is quite important, so a woman's impression about a man becomes negative when he arrives late. Dealing with a grumbling lady isn't so bad! Sometimes Japanese women will return home because they don't want to wait!

Not being manly

Japanese women dislike men who aren't manly. Men who are not manly enough are referred to as "Memeshi (女 々 し い)", which means they are feminine. To attract the feelings of a Japanese woman, you have to show your chivalry by positioning yourself on the side of the vehicle when crossing the road, or opening and holding an umbrella when it rains.

Being wishy-washy

Don't be wishy-washy when dating Japanese women, because Japanese women like men who guide and don't hesitate when making decisions. Japanese women don't like men who always answer all questions with the word "whatever" or "anything is fine." It takes effort to win a Japanese women's heart by planning a perfect date: be sure about the area you want to visit, restaurants for lunch and dinner, and things to do during your time together. Japanese women seem to love a well-planned day!


This one is quite common globally, and Japanese women are no different. Japanese women don't like arrogant men. Although Japanese women prefer men to be manly, they do not like men who are rude and do not care about their feelings. Jealously is also not something women like in men here!

Comparing with other women

Never compare your date with other women. Comparing your date with other women shows that you don't respect them. Best to avoid mentioning any ex-girlfriends or even friends!
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