Visit the Ruins of Ukedo Elementary School in Namie Town: Echoes of the Tsunami Disaster

Visit the Ruins of Ukedo Elementary School in Namie Town: Echoes of the Tsunami Disaster


For anyone with a passion for Japan's history and spirit, the devastating earthquake and tsunami that struck the Tohoku region on March 11, 2011, remains unforgettable. This tragedy reshaped vast stretches of land, reducing buildings and homes in both Fukushima and Miyagi Prefectures to rubble. The disaster claimed countless lives, leaving indelible scars on Japan's landscape and heart.

Among these haunting reminders is Ukedo Elementary School in Namie Town, Fukushima. Just 5 kilometers from where a nuclear power plant experienced a catastrophic explosion due to the tsunami's force, Namie remains a town forever marked by the calamity. Now, as we reflect on the events of that fateful day, we invite you to journey with us to this poignant site, where silence speaks volumes.


Perched on the shores of Namie Town, the ruins of Ukedo Elementary School tell a story of a community deeply connected to the sea. This coastal town, once bustling with activity, thrived on its fishing industry, boasting some of Japan's finest export-quality fish. However, the landscape and the rhythm of life changed irrevocably on March 11, 2011. Today, the ruins stand as a solemn tribute.

Ukedo Elementary School: Frozen in Time


Ukedo Elementary School in Namie Town stands as a stark testament to the ravages of March 11, 2011. Time seems to have stood still here since the tsunami's destructive waves inundated the entire first floor.


Classrooms and the School Health Unit on this level were overwhelmed, with walls and floors torn apart. Only remnants of furniture remain, some bearing witness to the force that swept them away.


A haunting sight awaits those who venture close: 4527046A-6415-4F52-9075-8BE666B4A54B.JPG

faded documents plastered to the ceiling, remnants of a day disrupted,


and a solitary computer, its screen juxtaposed against a whiteboard bearing an optimistic message, "Of course, it's okay, from now on it will definitely get better."


The silent witness to the past, this classroom once echoed with the chatter of first graders.


The multi-purpose hall, once filled with the energy of school activities and sports, stands wounded.


The floor, stripped away by the tsunami, has left behind only a lone basketball hoop. While entry into the hall is restricted, one can glimpse the devastation from the outside.


Tables and cupboards, flung about by the raging waters, remain as stark reminders of nature's unforgiving power.

Survivors' Testimony: The Day Ukedo Elementary School Faced Nature's Wrath


Ukedo Elementary School, like the community around it, bears the scars of that fateful day. The region wasn't engulfed by the tsunami's highest waves, but rapid flash floods with immense force reshaped the landscape in moments, sweeping away homes and submerging the school's first floor.

On that day, the principal was away on duty in another prefecture. In his absence, there was confusion, no authoritative voice directing the teachers and students to safety. The decision to flee to the school's second floor weighed heavily, with many fearing entrapment due to potential inaccessibility.


In this moment of chaos and uncertainty, a teacher made the crucial call: everyone would make a dash for a nearby mountain, higher than the school's structure. As they began this desperate escape, some parents arrived in cars, pleading to take their children. Yet, the teachers, unified in their decision, led every student up the mountain.


Guiding this exodus was a student, a baseball enthusiast, who knew the mountain trails. He became an inadvertent leader, guiding everyone to the mountain's opposite side, shielding them from the impending tsunami. This decision proved lifesaving, as they narrowly escaped the catastrophic waves, while some parents who'd come by car weren't as fortunate.


Today, the school's second floor stands preserved, transformed into a commemorative museum. Here, amid the exhibits, a blackboard invites visitors to pen their thoughts. One such message reads, "God only gives us tests that we can pass. Stay strong and hopeful!"

Namie Town: From Tragedy to Hope and Revival


Before tragedy struck, Namie Town was renowned for its grand waterfront fireworks festivals. These events, drawing attendees from across Japan, were significant revenue streams, with ticket sales boosting the town's economy.

The tsunami's devastation was momentous, but the nuclear power plant explosion's repercussions lingered even longer. Widespread concerns about toxic residue made many wary of visiting, leading to a mass exodus and a steep decline in tourism revenue.


Yet, the spirit of Namie's residents remains undaunted. Backed by government aid and donation programs, there's a collective endeavor to restore Namie to its former vibrancy. Assurances about the safety of locally produced food, especially vegetables, come with a gold standard: they've passed Japan's exceptionally rigorous food and medicine quality tests, a benchmark 10 times stricter than global norms.


Fish from the region, free from nuclear contamination, are testament to Namie's commitment to safety. The pier has been transformed into a unique attraction where visitors can catch fish and have them instantly tested for any harmful radiation or chemicals.


Situated just two hours from Tokyo, Namie is easily accessible by train. Visitors can explore local attractions, from a sake factory to a bus terminal souvenir shop offering special Namie delicacies. But perhaps the most delightful draw are the charming Pokémon statues dotting the town.


Chubby and endearing, these figures are not just for fun – they're symbolic. The word "fuku" in "fukuyoka" (meaning plump) phonetically matches with fuku (福), symbolizing good fortune.


Experience the resilience and warmth of Namie Town. Revel in delectable dishes and delight in the sight of adorable Pokémon. Discover the true essence of recovery and hope, all in the heart of a town that once faced nature's wrath.

Opening hours: 09:30–16:30

Official website: https://namie-ukedo.com/en/

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